I've always been in love with the idea of having a personal site like this. However, I don't really have much to offer so this will be mostly a place to collect cool graphics and other stuff I find online.
October 2021: Long time no see~ I haven't been really active on Neocities this year even though I thought about this place often. Makes me a bit sad but I just didn't have the motivation.
Until this month that I decided I was tired of my previous index page, and that I wanted to make a new one. I didn't have anything in mind when I started to play around with an old wip and after a few hours this happened.
I'm happy I got to use this graphic as header, this was the edit I originally wanted to use when I updated the site's design last year. But while trying different things and effects, I ended up with that and I liked the colors so much that I couldn't help myself and went with that one instead. But now we're back on track lol.
There are other pages I'd like to change, or at least update a bit, but for now this one is the only one that's different. I hope you guys like it~
This is Bunny. Copy and paste Bunny into your webpage to help him gain world domination.
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19.10 Updated links page: Neocities +1, Elsewhere +2
15.10 Released new index page to the wild.
14.10 Added the finishing touches to this new index page.
01.10 Hewwo